How to Ethically Grow Your Martial Arts School in the New Era

The 7 Keys to Breakthrough Performance in Your Martial Arts School Business

Why Settle for Mediocre Results, When You Can Follow the
Blueprint of the Most Successful Schools in the World?

Would you Like to SYSTEMIZE Your
Martial Arts School Business?

If You're Ready to Take Your School to the Next Level,
and Make Your Life MUCH Easier in the Process,
Check Out the Next FREE Video!

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See for Yourself Why So Many Smart,
Growth Focused School Owners
Trust AMS to Help Them Achieve Their Goals!


Even More Feedback from
School Owners Just Like You!


I went from 50 to over 400 students in just 2 ½ years

“I went from 50 to over 400 students in just 2 ½ years following the AMS System, and that increased my income 1,000 %.  I was barely making the rent when I joined, and now I have a secure future for my school and my family!

“With the help of the experts at AMS, I turned my school into a successful business while bettering the training of my students.”

— Master Chris Berlow

Now I have the # 1 school in my town!

“The AMS Seminars gave me the confidence to build my own 5,000 square foot building.  Now I have the # 1 school in my town!”

– Instructor Eth Hong

Last summer we made more than $100,000.00 with the AMSKids Summer Camp

“The AMSKids program changed my school; it changed my students; and it changed me.

“The kids really love the activities because it gives them something different every month.  We get a new pack every month with different games, a different focus, and it gives them something new to think about.

“Last summer we made more than $100,000.00 with the AMSKids Summer Camp.  It’s just been an awesome experience and an awesome program.”

– Master Terrance Evins

The first week we started using the AMS Enrollment Card we had over 90 new students come into our location

“The first week we started using the Enrollment Card we had over 90 new students come into our location. It was incredible! It was the most exciting thing I had ever seen.”

– Master Mike Bugg

I added $12,000.00 a Month with AMS Kids!

“AMSkids is a powerful program that generates great increases in enrollment and income. It’s a simple step by step process with the starter kit and the monthly support materials to gain huge profits.

At first, my children’s program was struggling with only 12 kids. After I started the AMSkids program, my enrollment increased more than 500% to 77.

This program also bring in tremendous income increases. Our school went from a very low monthly income to $12,000 a monthly just by adding the AMSkids program.

The AMSkids program is the ultimate tool for after school martial arts, no other program can touch it!”

-Master Perdomo

The AMS Enrollment Card will be put in the hands of another 750 children

“The Enrollment Card has great potential for increases in enrollment through community partnerships. We will present the Enrollment Card to 1,000 children and their families at a special charity event. At the start of the school year, the Enrollment Card will be put in the hands of another 750 children. We know our enrollment is going to increase in a huge way because of the Enrollment Card.

– Master Jose DiCervo

47 New Students the First Month

“In the first month using the Enrollment Card we had 47 new students come in the front door. Now, consistently, every month we are having 30 new additional students come in our doors directly because of the Enrollment Card.

“What makes the Enrollment Card work so well is:

  1. the design of the card
  2. the benefits if offers
  3. the phenomenal offer it makes
  4. the proven ways to use it.

“It all works together to make it easy, effective, beneficial — I’ve never seen anything like it in the martial arts industry, and I’ve been in the martial arts school business for 20 years! It is becoming the ONLY promotion I do for my school.”

– Master Kirk Pelt

AMSOnline Management Software is like having a highly efficient office manager working for well below minimum wage

The AMSOnline Management Software is like having a highly efficient office manager working for well below minimum wage. It quickly organizes school information and improves communication to your staff and students. It’s the most effective management software in the industry.

Instructor Robin Robertson

With the help and guidance of AMS, I went from having 1 location to operating 6 full time schools.

Since 1997, AMS and I have been building a fantastic professional relationship. AMS services have enabled Black Belt World to grow tremendously because of their accurate billing and effective consultation.

With the help and guidance of AMS, I went from having 1 location to operating 6 full time schools. I have gained great assets; owning 5 of the school buildings and I currently have another location being developed. In the 6 locations I presently operate there are around 3000 students training in the martial arts. I intend to grow with AMS for a long time to come.

Grandmaster Jun Lee

From 35 to 2000 Students With AMS

Eighteen years ago, we were happy with 35 students and an 800 sq. ft building, but AMS helped us to think bigger. Every year with AMS we have grown and today we have three schools and almost 2000 students. We have gone from renting a small location to owning three locations, 12 school buses and an impeccable reputation in our community with AMS by our side. AMS gave us the tools, knowledge and support that has enabled our schools to grow tremendously during our profitable business relationship. In fact, AMS has become more like a family that helped us achieve financial freedom.

Master Sun Hwang

AMSonline & AMSkids are Priceless!

“My staff and I just absolutely LOVE the AMSonline and the AMSkids programs! With all of the marketing tools and ad campaigns the programs offer, they are priceless! The very best part is the sales training AMSonline provides and the teaching instructions the AMSkids offers to assist you in addition to everything else AMSonline comes with!

AMSonline is great! I highly recommend every martial arts school owner that wants to really succeed, to get with this system!”

— Nenad Omerovic

I went from being $50,000.00 in debt to having multi-million dollar assets.

“Other organizations give you information, but they don’t know how to motivate you to utilize the information.  You learn something at the convention, then you go back to your school and you don’t use it.  I was doing the same thing, too.

“Then I started implementing the AMS system, I started growing.  I went from being $50,000.00 in debt to having multi-million dollar assets.  That’s what comes from the motivation of AMS!”

– Master Tommy Chang

If you’re having too many problems with your billing company, put the AMS professionals on your team

“We were a member of another billing company for several years, but we had too many problems.  AMS is more efficient and professional, so they collect more money without errors.

“If you’re having too many problems with your billing company, put the AMS professionals on your team.”

– Master Soo Mi Kim

Over 100 New Students in First 6 Months

“I opened up my school about six months ago and the Community Appreciation Program has been the life of our school. Without it we would not have lasted four months. We currently have over 100 students and about 99 % of them came directly from the E-card. It provides a constant flow of new students into the facility.”

– Master Eric Thompson

We have expanded two times since we started the AMSKids after school program

“What I really love about the AMSKids program is that you have the kids every single day, so you can influence them more and put them in a positive direction.

“Plus, our school has probably grown 1,000% in the last 5 years. We have expanded two times since we started the AMSKids after school program.  We started with 2600 square feet, and thanks to AMSKids, moved to a 4500 square foot location, and now we are in a 6,000 square foot school.   It even brought more people into our evening programs.”

– Master Gary Williams

The first month we enrolled 20 new long-term students using the AMS Enrollment Card

“The first month we enrolled 20 new long-term students using the Enrollment Card, and it continues to consistently bring new students in our doors. Last week I sold 10 E-Cards and have 9 of them in class. It is the most effective (and least expensive) power tool we have for the growth of our school.”                                                                                                                                                        – Instructor Mike Earl

We got 35 new students from the AMS Enrollment Card promotion

“I gave my demo team the option to use the Enrollment Card as a way for paying for their new uniforms. And I explained how it worked and the fact that they would get to keep the money. . . .  As a result, everyone was able to get their uniforms – most of them had money left over (they sold more than the required number) . . .

“We got about 35 new students from the promotion . . . over the course of about 2 months . . . . Within a week, I had already signed-up 10 new students.

“ I went from having a class of 15 to 20 kids, and the next beginner class had 35 to 40 in class . . . . The E-Card works really well.”

– Master Josh Geeson

I have been using the ams system now for over 2 yrs and I love that they are constantly adding new features and benefits.

Ams online helps me stay on top of my student management needs. I love that it is web based so that I can access it from anywhere. I have been using the ams system now for over 2 yrs and I love that they are constantly adding new features and benefits. Its simple to see and the support staff is always their to offer me great ideas and assistance.

Thanks Ams!!!

Master Ryan Dean

AMS Kids - After School Martial Arts Saved My School!

AMSkids after school martial arts program has actually saved our school. 75% of our total school income comes in from our after school kids programs. I know there are day cares and other martial arts schools going out of business around us because our AMSkids program is so strong.

– Instructor Bill Gross

Added over 110 students in only 4 months!

I joined AMS in February, 2014 and my school has grown unbelievably.

We are a brand new school, starting from scratch. I expected it to be really difficult to grow and become successful, but we now have over 110 students in only 4 months.

They gave me marketing support and help with my billing, so I could focus on teaching.

The best thing I like about AMS is their aggressive customer service.

If you want your martial arts school to be successful, you really need to use AMS. Call them at 1-800-275-1600.


Master Young Hab Kim

AMSonline is the ultimate tool to maximize your school!

Master Won Bae Kim uses AMSonline and had this to say, “I use the Parent Appreciation Promotion every year along with others, and it is always a wonderful promotion. Not only does it bring me more students, it also bonds the parents with their children and even with me! They love coming to classes even more and keep coming because I am like family, just like AMS is family to me. Thanks, AMS!”

Get AMSonline to secure your financial future!

The ultimate opportunity for any school owner to improve his or her personal income

The AMS convention is a great  place to learn how to be successful in this industry than from the people who have already enjoyed success.

The AMS convention is the ultimate opportunity for any school owner to improve his or her personal income. You must go and you will undoubtedly become a success!

- Seifu’s Sergio & Jason Solis